by  in Coaching, Fitness

Practice Perfected: Meet Asensei

Check out this amazing promotional video for Asensei.”Your personal trainer who knows your every move.” An incredible product that combines smart textiles, wearable computing and intelligent digital assistants to create what looks to be a jaw dropping next level e-personal trainer. In the future at 5 Elements you could be getting pointers on how to improve your technique based on the movement of Pro UFC fighters or Cross Fit Champions straight into your ear in real time. More importantly it will be the ultimate tool for determining if someone who claims to have broken the 2 minute wall of doom push-up record a) did as many reps as they say, b) had correct form. What will I do when we have Asensei? I’ll still hold pads and put cones around the part of the hall where the roof leaks I guess….

I am proud to call the CEO of this company Sensei, as he literally is. Steven Webster was my Karate coach at the University of Edinburgh for 9 years. Over that time our club grew from humble beginnings to become one of the most successful competition Karate clubs in the UK. Steven is a fantastic coach and I am excited to see how this has scaled into the development of such an extraordinary product.

I am truely excited about the prospect of taking martial arts to the next level with Asensei, but to be honest, every time I throw a punch/do any sport I can already hear Sensei Webster in my brain reminding me to keep my back straight. I really can’t wait to get the chance to own some of this uber-futuristic wearable Tech!

Barney WalkerPractice Perfected: Meet Asensei